2X qPCR Master Mix with ROX (SYBR)

Cat. No. / ID: S2GNM02j30001  

Price : $800

Unit : 1ml  

2X qPCR Master Mix with ROX (SYBR) is a convenient and complete real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR) reagent containing hot-start Taq polymerase in an optimized buffer and SYBR green fluorescent dye to ensure accurate and sensitive amplification. The real-time tracking of the amplification process and simultaneous quantification of targeted DNA molecules are also enabled. The ROX reference dye in master Mix facilitating normalization of each qPCR assay. Additionally, the inclusion of an inert smart blue contrast dye ensures the 2X qPCR Master Mix with ROX (SYBR) is ready-to-use, reducing pipetting errors, and greatly improving the reproducibility of the process.